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Catherine O’Neill, Treasury Operations Manager at Centralis Ireland, tells us about Centralis’ Treasury outsourcing offering and why she has taken an open and flexible approach to her career.

17 November 2022
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Catherine O’Neill, Treasury Operations Manager at Centralis Ireland


Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I have been working in Centralis Ireland for 7 years as Treasury Operations Manager. I grew up in Australia and, like many Australian’s, I decided to travel for a year or so before settling down back home. I eventually ended up in Dublin, planning to stay for only a few months, but enjoyed it so much I’m still here 20 years later!

Can you give an overview of the duties, functions and responsibilities of your job at Centralis?
My role as Treasury Operations Manager in Centralis is quite diverse. On a daily basis I oversee all activities undertaken by the Outsourced Treasury Team for our clients, as well as ensuring our robust operational checks and controls are adhered to by the team. I am the first point of contact for our clients for any queries or new initiatives they may have. The Treasury Team also has many ongoing projects for which I either manage or provide support. I am responsible for the annual SOC Audit which evidences our controls framework is being adhered to at all times. And I also support the Treasury Team with their cross training, career development and goals.

How would you describe Centralis’ treasury outsourcing offering?
The Centralis Outsourced Treasury Team provides flexible solutions which are specifically tailored to meet each client’s individual needs. Our solutions can be on a Treasury or Netting Platform of the Client’s choice. Centralis have a dedicated and diverse Treasury Team who focus on providing a high level of service to their clients.

What do you like most about your work?
We have a great team here at Centralis, as well as great clients, and I really love working with them. I also like the variety of work each day brings, as no two days are the same. Our clients often present us with interesting new business initiatives, which I enjoy, as it means I can utilise my existing knowledge, but often learn new skills simultaneously.

How did you arrive at your current role?
I have over 25 years’ experience in banking and treasury. I originally started working in banking back office roles in Sydney, before moving into the Westpac Dealing Room as a Trader. I was still quite young and decided to travel the world a little. I eventually settled in Ireland, and while the Finance Roles were different to my old roles in Australia, I found that Treasury roles suited my broad banking and client facing experience. I worked in Bank of America in their Outsourced Treasury Team for many years. I then moved into a Product Development role at Bank of America, working remotely in Dublin for the London office. I then chose to move back into Treasury and arrived at Centralis 7 years ago.

Would you recommend having a defined career plan or being open and flexible?
I have taken an open and flexible approach to my career. With each role you move into throughout your career, more opportunities and roles can open up to you that suit your overall experience and skill. For me, this was certainly true when I moved from Treasury and into Product Development, where some of my skills were a good fit for the role. While it was a challenging move for me to begin with, with so much to learn, I gained so much valuable experience and skills for this move.

What is your motto in life or your greatest inspiration?
My fabulous friends and family are my inspiration in life!