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News & Insights

New Prudential Regime for Investment Firms

24 November 2020
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We are delighted to be sponsors of the forthcoming Infoline digital conference, “New Prudential Regime for Investment Firms – 3rd Annual European Forum” taking place on 3rd December. Our CEO Matthew Crisp will chair the event, introducing the sessions and chairing a panel discussion around moving from ICAAP to ICARA.

The event is the only one dedicated to issues surrounding the UK IFPR and EU IFR/IFD and will deep dive into both the EBA and FCA perspectives and the implementation of the regime.

Presentations and a roundtable discussion will provide guidance around the risks to customers, markets and firms K-Factor capital calculations. Our Head of Prudential, Mike Chambers will be chairing this roundtable and we expect the esteemed panel to provide some interesting perspectives.

See the agenda here