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What you need to know about IFPR before 1 January 2022

28 September 2021
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With less than 100 days to go before the Investment Firms’ Prudential Regime goes live, Wheelhouse Advisors hosted two breakfast briefings, where attendees heard a rundown of the regime’s main areas and the next steps in order of priority.

The Wheelhouse Advisors team discussed our “IFPR Impact Assessment Findings & Insights” report, published recently. Based on 12 months’ work with our investment management clients, the report outlines the ways different firms will be affected by the various parts of the regime and can be a useful resource when making preparations.

The briefings outlined the key areas of the IFPR, including:

  • Categorisation
  • Group consolidation rules
  • Reporting
  • Disclosures
  • Capital adequacy and resources
  • Liquidity requirements
  • ICARA process
  • Remuneration

Almost 60 representatives from investment firms, covering C-level individuals from finance, compliance, risk and operations functions attended the events and the interest levels were very high.

Feedback from the events was good or excellent in all areas, with the content scoring very highly indeed.

With such a short window of time left to prepare for the regime, its seems that many firms are looking for extra reassurance that they are making the correct preparations and prioritising properly.

If you need support with your IFPR preparations, including a readiness review, support in building of designing your ICARA process or getting your regulatory reporting up to speed, get in touch today.