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Navigating the World of Client Services: An Inside Look with Centralis Senior Manager Liudmila Pavlova

17 January 2023
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Liudmila Pavlova, Client Services Senior Manager at Centralis Luxembourg.
Liudmila Pavlova, Client Services Senior Manager at Centralis Luxembourg.

Can you tell us a little about you and your role as a Client Services Senior Manager at Centralis?

In my role as a Client Services Senior Manager, I oversee the activities and output of the Client Services Team of currently 5 people, to ensure continuous and quality service to one particular client of Centralis Group. I constantly look into ways to improve the services, train team members to promote autonomy and ownership, and ensure that internal policies and procedures are followed. My day involves a lot of coordination and communication, which I love, to ensure that we can maintain and develop current business relations with the client. I am also part of Centralis ERP implementation team, which also involves a lot of coordination and motivates me by providing different kind of challenges.

How long have you been with the company, and what has your career journey been like so far?

I have been with Centralis for 7 years, celebrating my anniversary on December 21. Moving from Dublin to Luxembourg on December 20 and starting a new job the next day was not easy. But, I was fortunate enough to have had great mentors who taught and challenged me a lot at the start. That challenge, combined with my personal resilience and tenaciousness, got me to where I am today, and I am not stopping here

What do you enjoy most about working in Client Services?

The variety and continuous learning opportunities it provides, but mostly the rapport you can build with your team members and with the client. It makes coming to work much more enjoyable, and, I firmly believe, it makes the work more effective and efficient, and the output to the client of higher quality. Some may say that Client Services is the same thing over and over, and, to some extent, it’s true, but it is also a great environment where you are exposed to many industries and professionals from whom you can learn and apply that knowledge in your everyday life or to your day-to-day work.

Can you discuss the challenges you face in your role and how you overcome them?

The biggest challenges for me are managing effective communication between team members, and ensuring that I motivate and inspire my team. To succeed in all these, I try to ensure that my verbal, written and non-verbal communication is clear, firm and precise, while it’s relatable and not patronising. I am empathetic and treat everyone with the same respect I would like to receive, and I never put myself above anyone else. I let my ways of communicating and expressing an opinion be an example for others. I try to ensure the team receive constructive positive and negative feedback, but I will always stand up for them because I know the hard work performed in the background. It is hard to say how I motivate and inspire. You would have to ask the team , but I want to think that being resilient and dedicated to what I do, me being focused on excellent end-results, does the job.

How do you ensure that you and your team provide excellent Client Services to Centralis clients?

Somewhat a little from all the above – efficient communication between each team member, readiness to jump in and cover if anyone needs help, accountability for the work, learning from past mistakes and doing better next time, friendly and open environment where everyone can express their ideas and opinions, and where those ideas are discussed, analysed and implemented.

Can you discuss the importance of building and maintaining strong client relationships?

Building and maintaining strong client relationships is the key to the success of any business. In Luxembourg, where the market is competitive and vast, this is especially important. If you build a relationship of trust and care, you are not only more secure in retaining the client, but also better positioned to attract new clients, because the word spreads. In addition, as mentioned before, it makes your work easier and more enjoyable, so it’s a win-win for everyone.

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and developments in Client Services?

I have subscribed to various newsletters from legal and tax advisors. Also, upon availability, I try to attend conferences or courses not necessarily limited to client services (as an example, I will be attending DeFi Retreat Europe 23, taking place in Lisbon in February next year). The more awareness and knowledge you have, the better you position yourself as a professional, and potentially the better service you provide.

What is your motto in life or your greatest inspiration?

That’s easy on the inspiration, it has always been my parents and their attitude towards work and values of life. I have far too many mottos that I can relate to, to mention them all, but recently I heard a phrase that stuck with me – “you eat life or life eats you, so bon appetit!”