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Ahead of the Curve: Regulatory Updates for HFMs

17 February 2021
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Wheelhouse Advisors’ Mike Chambers will be guest speaking at a webinar for hedge fund managers

Wheelhouse Advisors’ Head of Prudential, Mike Chambers will be joining an expert panel organised by Hansuke Consulting on Wednesday 25th February at 15:00 – 16:00.

The webinar is entitled “Ahead of the Curve: Regulatory Updates for HFMs” and will decode the various regulatory disciplines and issues that hedge fund managers, promoters and directors must be aware of. The expert line-up of panelists will cover broad set of regulatory developments including the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), Investment Manager Exemption (IME), DAC6, Reporting Fund Status (RFS), Withholding Taxes (WHT) and New Prudential Regime for Investment Firms (IFPR).

Mike will be covering the new Investment Firm Prudential Regime (IFPR) alongside:

Melanie Pittas, a Partner at haysmacintyre,

Len Lipton, Managing Director at GlobeTax,

Dani Williams, Principal Consultant at ACA Compliance and

Ali Kazimi, Managing Director at Hansuke.


The webinar is free for hedge fund managers to attend, please register here