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News & Insights

Navigating the Annex IV reporting maze: Part Three

10 April 2024
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Part three: How can firms navigate the complexities of this reporting maze?

Centralis is a global company with an innate understanding of different markets and jurisdictions. We understand the challenges faced by companies that arise from regulatory changes and compliance undertakings.

Partnering with Centralis can help you solve the jigsaw puzzle and see the regulatory reporting picture clearly. When looking for an outsourced parner, firms should consider that the outsourcer won’t be limited by the templates of software used by the provider, nor penalised for the software. Moreover, firms often defer to their own fund administrators for ease, and this carries the risks of overpaying and being serviced by non-specialists. In the event of errors and mistakes, firms could be overpaying for non-specialists completing the work. Our outsourcing solution encompasses efficient data collection (reducing additional workloads), overall project or deadline management, intuitive outputs (to help ease review) and submission management generating higher quality output. We work alongside fund administrators to gather information, and work alongside regulators to ensure submissions are timely and accurate. In an environment where regulatory responsibility continues to increase, working with a knowledgeable outsourced partner can provide experience, guidance and significant cost savings.


What do I do now?

UK fund managers should:

  • check whether they have registered their funds for marketing in any EEA jurisdictions. This information is often buried in legal or compliance files from many year past, possibly pre-dating current staff, so locating this can be challenging
  • in the event that registrations still exist, investigate whether historical filings need to be fulfilled and set to work on doing so
  • in the event that registrations are no longer required, consider whether funds can be de-registered to minimise future reporting obligations

All fund managers should review their most recent reporting and any feedback from their regulator(s) to ensure compliance with the updated validation rules and ensure these discliplines are carried forward into future reporting.

In light of the above, all fund managers should also consider whether their current solution – either for AIFMD reporting or across the regulatory reporting spectrum – continues to serve their best interests. Whether currently handled internally or outsourced, it is likely that cost and efficiency savings are possible by consulting with Centralis.


Read part one and part two of our ‘Navigating the Annex IV reporting maze’ series or reach out to Michael Chambers for more information.